I love that book! My copy is an old paperback in two pieces with brittle yellowed paper. I still like to read it occasionally. I believe we still restrict God in our thinking and not just with gender...God is so much bigger than we can ever imagine! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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It is one of the few books where the title is so powerful by itself, even without reading the rest!

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Oh Todd this is SO good, thank you. There are countless reminders as we go through our day to surrender into presence. Letting go is coming up for me in a very big way these days so I appreciate your message.

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Thanks for your kind note. I had to take my own advice this morning as I read the news. I was tempted to let anger run through me and start the day negative and disempowered. I am working on giving up my judgement and realize how many ways I can share light and love today, whatever the headlines are.

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Dear Todd,

This is lovely.

Thank you for sharing.

With admiration,


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Thank you for this beautiful post! One of my daily spiritual practices is letting go of all personal decision making and letting the Holy spirit decide for me and guide me throughout the day. This comes from A Course in Miracles. Another way to put it is that I give up my will in exchange for God's Will as guided by the Holy Spirit. This creates a much better day than what my small ego self can imagine. It's very freeing. The discipline comes in when my ego tempts me to take back control. So I suppose I practice dying every day.

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Seems I always need to die to being right and in control. A year ago I had to set aside my income and a fear of scarcity in order to trust that God would provide all my needs including healing from depression and anxiety. The hardest part was trusting God for enough income to pay the bills but God blessed me through the blessings of others and they were also blessed.

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Oh the siren call of productivity and a never ending to do list. I have to constantly remind myself to hold all that loosely.

And in the fixing, I'm in the midst of writing a post on the temptation to fix everyone in our lives. Maybe this week, if I get it written after all the other things that need to happen on that list first.

Also, lifelong Jersey girl here! Our state is not that bad. Come visit and I will show you the pretty parts! 😂

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I repent of my Jersey joke. Too many times stuck on the Turnpike and not enough time spent exploring the "Garden State." In the 1980s I got stuck on the Garden State Pk. when there was a 25 cent toll booth every mile or two. I got down to my last quarter and barely kept the engine from overheating. That is Jersey in my memory!

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Haha, no that is ok. Everyone hates on us. We are way too into tolls and taxes. I actually never thought I'd wind up back here, and yet, here I am!

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